Do you know that every year, more than
hundred costumed visitors participate in the cosplay competitions? Despite of
all the cost of their costumes and their very hectic schedules, people still
attend to those events. No matter how far the cosplay event, even if its
traffic or they get hassled in bringing their huge and heavy costumes. Why?
It’s simply because they love cosplaying.

Other cosplayers make their
own costume, which is less expensive and more practical than buying or those
made-to-order ones. Some of their materials were recycled and are easy to
assemble. So if you want to cosplay, and you have a talent in arts such as
drawing, painting and even making props then you are lucky because you can do
whatever costumes you want.
Some cosplayers are also
having it as their own business. Saying that cosplay is so expensive? Yeah
you’re right but on the other hand cosplaying can make money too. Cosplayers
make their way to regain their expenses by having a business. Selling or
renting. It really can make money too. I found an article entitled “Dress for success” by
Florence Wong. According to Florence Wong, "Cosplay enthusiast turns hobby into business." This article is all about a cosplayer girl named Natalie Lam who makes her hobby into a business. It indicated that she make her interest into a career and shows to other people about cosplaying. Those
kinds of customized costumes are much expensive because it requires a lot of
hard work, depending on the materials that they will be using. See that? not
just spending money but also it can make more money!
I also found an article entitled “Disadvantages of having cosplay convention in the Philippines" by Bitter Bebang. According to Bitter Bebang, "Filipinos decrease in awareness when it comes to Filipino culture." The major disadvantage of having cosplay conventions in the Philippines was discussed in the article. It is stated that people tend to forget the Filipino culture; instead they accept other countries culture and enriching it rather than our own. But on the other-hand their are some advantage from it. It can make the Filipino cosplayer to socialize with other cosplayer and philippines will get more tourist.
The author also
indicate the other disadvantage and advantage of cosplaying to your life. There are
more disadvantages from being a cosplayer. Some costumes are too expensive that
it will drain your money but some people use their style so they will not spend
too much money. The second is time management. From what I have seen from my
girlfriend, she’s being distracted from her studies. Making her hassle and get
stressed. Lastly, not all people around you accepts cosplaying, they might
judge you from what you’re doing.
The advantages of cosplaying
are the following: the cosplayers can be updated on the new animes that was
recently released; Cosplayers can socialize with other fellow cosplayers; Our
country can cooperate with other countries in making programs in which people
can socialize thus, increasing the number of tourists here.
And it also has benefits in your life from being a cosplayer according to the author. The author said that, "You may learn new skills in arts and crafts, handle your own finances, become more outgoing and less shy, and new aspects of your self thus self-realization and identity comes more easily! ". This benefits can help you improve your life and gain more knowledge from yourself as a cosplayer. You can use this advantage when encountering a problems. Thus it will make your life easier and comfortable. Example me I got problems in life, I'm not confident on myself but if I try cosplaying it will make myself overcome from being shy or nervous. And also as a student it will make my grades good by having this benefits.
And it also has benefits in your life from being a cosplayer according to the author. The author said that, "You may learn new skills in arts and crafts, handle your own finances, become more outgoing and less shy, and new aspects of your self thus self-realization and identity comes more easily! ". This benefits can help you improve your life and gain more knowledge from yourself as a cosplayer. You can use this advantage when encountering a problems. Thus it will make your life easier and comfortable. Example me I got problems in life, I'm not confident on myself but if I try cosplaying it will make myself overcome from being shy or nervous. And also as a student it will make my grades good by having this benefits.

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